Returning again this year!
Thorni Ridge Exotics provides hours of family fun, education, and entertainment with a true hands-on animal experience. This is what sets our petting zoo above any other. Visiting fair or festival families enjoy a personal, firsthand opportunity with exotic wildlife and domestic farm animals. We encourage touching, hugging and feeding offering a TRUE PETTING ZOO EXPERIENCE.
We provide panels, animal handlers, and an assortment of all our exotic and farm babies which can include, Fainting and Pygmy goats, Potbellied pigs, llama, Alpaca, Kangaroo or Wallaby, Lemur, African Spurred Tortoise, Flemish rabbits, Zebra, Camel, Eland, Nilgai, Water Buffalo, Bison, Elk, Fallow deer, African Crested Porcupine, and sometimes a surprise baby animal.
Admission to the petting zoo is FREE but you can purchace cups of feed for the animals!