Thank you for a great fair! Next year's Fair is August 5-10, 2025!

Dept D: Sheep

Department D: SHEEP
Superintendents: Shawn Erickson-507-251-2047
Entries Close: July 29th, 2024
Entry Fee: $10 per head (breeding and market animals)
Limit of two breeding animals per lot, three individuals for market, *Only 1 group lot per exhibitor.
Entry Time: Thursday 4pm
Judging: Thursday, 6 pm
Release: Thursday immediately following class placing.

General Rules:
• Breeding classes limit of 2 entries per lot, 1 per group lot.
• Health regulations see Exhibition of Livestock
• Animals must be on grounds by 4 pm of Thursday, and presentable for show (fitted or slick shorn)
• Only registered animals may be shown in purebred classes.
• Age of animals will be reckoned from September 1.
• Lots will be shown in order of class list.

Market Lambs General Rules:
• Entries open to purebred or crossbred wethers or ewes.
Exhibitors are permitted to show 3 individuals per lot
• Lots will be divided by weight where there is a suitable break per lot.
Lots 1-3 will be broken down by lightweight and heavyweight by the superintendent.
Market Lambs (Must still have lamb teeth)

Class 1
(Ewe lambs shown in this class CANNOT be shown in the Breeding classes)
Lot 1– Black face Market Lambs
Lot 2 – Speckled face Market Lambs
Lot 3 – White face Market Lambs
Lot 4 - Pen of 3 of Market Lambs. (Can be a combo of Lots 1-3)
Lot 5 – Champion and Reserve Champion Market Lamb (No Entry needed)
Lot 6 – Champion and Reserve Champion Pen of 3 (No Entry needed)

Breeding Classes
Class 2 –Hampshires
Class 3 – Suffolk
Class 4 – Babydoll Southdown
Class 5 – Southdown
Class 6 – Columbia
Class 7 - Corriedale
Class 8 – Texels
Class 9 – Dorset
Class 10 – Market Type Breeding Sheep (Includes black, white, and speckled faced sheep.)
Class 11 - Fitted Crossbred Sheep- (Includes black, white, speckled faced sheep with fitted BODY Wool)
Class 12 - All Other Breeds (Other breeds are sheep that are registered and have no class listed above.)
Class 13 - Overall Champion (Lot 15 and 16 no entry needed)

1. Yearling Rams (Sept 1st 2022- Aug 31st 2023)
2. Pair Yearling Rams (Must enter 2 Lot 1)
3. Senior Rams (Sept 1st 2023- Dec 31st 2023)
4. Pair Senior Rams (Must enter 2 Lot 3)
5. Junior Ram (Jan 1st 2024- May 31st 2024)
6. Pair Junior Ram (Must enter 2 Lot 5)
7. Champion Ram (No Entry needed)
8. Yearling Ewes (Sept 1st 2022- Aug 31st 2023)
9. Pair Yearling Ewes (Must enter 2 Lot 8)
10. Senior Ewes (Sept 1st 2023- Dec 31st 2023)
11. Pair Senior Ewes (Must enter 2 Lot 10)
12. Junior Ewes Jan 1st 2024- May 31st 2024)
13. Pair Junior Ewes (Must enter 2 Lot 12)
14. Champion Ewe (No entry needed)
15. Champion Ram Overall (No entry needed)
16. Champion Ewe Overall (No entry needed)

3 or less animals - $ 10, $9, $8
4-7 animals - $11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5
8-11 animals $ 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3
12 or more animals $17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5
2 or less groups - $ 7, 6 3-5 groups $9, 8, 7, 6, 5
6 or more groups - $10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
Market Class 1, Lot 5 $200, $100 – Lot 6 Ribbon
Breeding Classes Lot 7 and 14, Ribbon
Lot 15 $100
Lot 16 $100
***Over all Grand champion Sheep will be awarded a traveling Memorial Trophy in memory of Rodger Wambeam***

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