Dept N: FFA

Department N: FFA
Contact person: Kevin Brown Southland High School Vo-Ag. Department 507-582-3568 or cell 507-438-7332
Pre – Entry is required, no exceptions: All FFA exhibitors must fill out and send in their entries prior to July 29th, 2024-no late entries will be accepted to the Mower County Fair office or advisor. Any changes (not new entries) to any livestock exhibit MUST be made by Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the discretion of the individual superintendent-NO NEW ENTRIES
Pens will be assigned in order of entries received.

Entry Fee: $2 per head, Sheep and Swine, $3 for Beef & Dairy- see entry forms on Mower County
Arrival Time: Agri-Science and Technology entries must be in place by Tuesday 10 AM.
Childrens Farm yard and all exhibits entered in 4-H and FFA must be in place by Tuesday 12 noon.
Beef and dairy animals, Wednesday from 8:00 pm. – 12 noon Thursday, unless exhibited in 4-H.
Sheep must be on grounds by 12 noon Thursday, unless exhibited in 4-H.
Swine Exhibits must be weighed and in place by Noon on Friday.
Release: Sunday, 4:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Premiums will be available at 4:00 PM Sunday.

General Rules:
2. Animals must be owned by June 1, 2024 and entered in the name of the feeder and exhibitor.
3. Birth dates will be required for all species except market steers.
4. Only animals entered in the FFA show may be housed in the show barn. Small animals will be stalled three per pen.
5. No pens or stalls are to be used for feed, bedding or equipment.
6. All FFA exhibitors must keep pens and alleys clean at all times. Failure to keep pens clean may prompt Superintendent to withhold premiums.
7. Each Chapter must have necessary cleaning equipment.

Bedding will be placed in stalls for all Beef and Dairy prior to arrival; this includes Open, FFA and 4-H animals. A bedding fee will be paid only once per animal even if shown in more than one division. Payment for bedding must accompany the entry form that needs to be submitted by July 29th to the fair office. A separate check for bedding should be written out to Mower Co 4-H. Amount will be $10 for all Dairy cattle per head. Beef cattle will be $15 per head and $20 per cow/calf pair. Beef will be bedded inside and outside tie outs. The Fair will not furnish straw.

Superintendent: Shawn Erickson 507-251-2047
Judging: Thursday August 8th at 6:00 pm, South crane in conjunction with open sheep show
General Rules:
1. Breeding classes limit of 2 entries per lot, 1 per group lot.
2. Health regulations see Exh5ibition of Livestock
3. Animals must be on grounds by 4 pm of Thursday, and presentable for show (fitted or slick shorn)
4. Only registered animals may be shown in purebred classes.
5. Age of animals will be reckoned from September 1.
6. Lots will be shown in order of class list.
Market Lambs
1. Entries open to purebred or crossbred wethers or ewes.
2. Exhibitors are permitted to show 3 individuals per lot
3. Lots will be divided by weight where there is a suitable break per lot.
Lots 1-3 will be broken down by lightweight and heavyweight by the superintendent.
Market Lambs (Must still have lamb teeth), (Ewe lambs shown in market class CANNOT be shown in the Breeding classes)

Class 1 Market Lambs
Lot 1– Black face Market Lambs
Lot 2 - Speckled face Market Lambs
Lot 3 - White face Market Lambs
Lot 4 - Pen of 3 of Market Lambs. (Can be a combo of Lots 1-3)
Lot 5 - Champion and Reserve Champion Market Lamb (No Entry needed ribbon only)
Lot 6 – Champion and Reserve Champion Pen of 3 (No Entry needed ribbon only)

Breeding Classes
Class 2 –Hampshires
Class 3 – Suffolk
Class 4 – Babydoll Southdown
Class 5 – Southdown
Class 6 – Columbia
Class 7 - Corriedale
Class 8 – Texels
Class 9 – Dorset
Class 10 – Market Type Breeding Sheep (Includes black, white, and speckled faced sheep.)
Class 11- Fitted Crossbred Sheep- (Includes black, white, speckled faced sheep with fitted BODY Wool)
Class 12- All Other Breeds (Other breeds are sheep that are registered and have no class listed above.)
Class 13 – Overall Champion (Lot 15 and 16 no entry needed)

1. Yearling Rams (Sept 1st 2022- Aug 31st 2023)
2. Pair Yearling Rams (Must enter 2 Lot 1)
3. Senior Rams (Sept 1st 2023- Dec 31st 2023)
4. Pair Senior Rams (Must enter 2 Lot 3)
5. Junior Ram (Jan 1st 2024- May 31st 2024)
6. Pair Junior Ram (Must enter 2 Lot 5)
7. Champion Ram (No Entry needed ribbon only)
8. Yearling Ewes (Sept 1st 2022- Aug 31st 2023)
9. Pair Yearling Ewes (Must enter 2 Lot 8)
10. Senior Ewes (Sept 1st 2023- Dec 31st 2023)
11. Pair Senior Ewes (Must enter 2 Lot 10)
12. Junior Ewes Jan 1st 2024- May 31st 2024)
13. Pair Junior Ewes (Must enter 2 Lot 12)
14. Champion Ewe (No entry needed Ribbon only)
15. Champion Ram Overall (No entry needed ribbon only)
16. Champion Ewe Overall (No entry needed ribbon only)

1st $15 2nd $14 3rd $13 4th $12 5th $11 6th $10
7th $9 8th $8 9th $7 10th $6 11th $5 12th $4
13th $3 14th $2 15th $1
Premiums Groups
1st $8 2nd $7 3rd $6 4th $5 5th $4 6th $3

Superintendent: Jack Crowson- Hayfield FFA 507-884-5349
*NEW-All entries must be in by July 29th.
Weigh in: Friday 12 pm if not weighed by 4-H.
Judging: Friday, August 9th, 3 pm
Release time: Friday, August 9th following show, unless exhibited in 4-H (4-H animals will be released on Sunday Fair Week).
General Rules:
1. Health regulations see Exhibition of Livestock.
2. Animals may be purebred or crossbred, but will be shown in same classes.
3. Only 2 animals/exhibitor in lots 1, 2, 3 and one entry per exhibitor in lots 4.
4. All market animals must be tagged and weigh 220 pounds minimum.
5. Lots will be divided by weight with no more than 20 animals shown per lot.
6. Animals entered in lot 4 must also be shown as individuals.
7. This is not a terminal show. All exhibitors will retain ownership. There will be no marketing option unless exhibited in 4-H. 4-H animals can be shown in the FFA division if exhibitor is registered and a FFA member of Region 8.
8. When there are fewer entries in a class the number of premiums offered the judge may award prizes of such a grade as the animal deserves.
10. 4-H weights will be used on all 4-H hogs-No reweighing. Market Gilts will be broken down by weight. Breeding gilts broken down at the discretion of the superintendent.

Class 14 FFA SWINE

1. Market Gilts
2. Breeding Gilts
3. Market Barrows
4. Market Pen of Three –must be a mix of Barrows or Gilts not all one sex.
5. Champion and Reserve Market Gilt (Ribbons)
6. Champion and Reserve Breeding Gilt (Ribbons)
7. Champion and Reserve Market Barrow (Ribbons)

Premiums Lots 1-4
1st $15 2nd $14 3rd $13 4th $12 5th $11 6th $10 7th $9 8th $8 9th $7 10th $6 11th $5 12th $4 13th $3 14th $2 15th $1


Superintendent: Kevin Brown Southland High School Ag. Department 507-582-3568 or cell 507-438-7332
All entries due to fair office by July 29th!
Arrival Time: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. – Thursday at Noon. Unless animal is exhibited in 4-H

Judging: Friday, 9 a.m. in conjunction with open class show- Pull out show in conjunction with the open show
General Rules:
1. Health regulations see Exhibition of Livestock
2. The breed of the sire will determine the class in which un-registered animals will show.
3. Animals exhibited in the 4-H show are eligible.
4. Lots will be shown in order of class list.
5. Open show & FFA shows will be shown simultaneously. This is a pull out show.

Class 15– Pure Bred and Grade Milking Shorthorn
Class 16– Pure Bred and Grade Guernsey
Class 17–Purebred and Grade Holstein
Class 18–Purebred and Grade Jersey
Class 19- Purebred and Grade Ayrshire
Class 20- Purebred and Grade Brown Swiss
Class 21- Crossbred
Class 22- Best udder cow any age
Class 23 – Champion overall (lot 10, 20, 21)

2. Junior heifer calf born on or between 3/1 and 5/31/24
3. Winter heifer calf born on or between 12/1/2023 and 2/29/24
4. Fall heifer calf born on or between 9/1 and 11/30/23
5. Summer junior yearling heifer born on or between 6/1 and 8/31/23
6. Spring junior yearling heifer born on or between 3/1 and 5/31/2023
7. Winter Senior Yearling Heifer born on or between 12/1/2022 and 2/28/2023
8. Fall Senior Yearling Heifer born on or between 9/1 and 11/30/2022
9. Junior champion female
11. Junior Best three females owned and exhibited by breeder
12. Cow (Junior) 2 year old born on or between 3/1/2022 and 8/31/2022
13. Cow (Senior) 2 year old born on or between 9/1/2020 and 2/28/2022
14. Cow, 3 year old born on or between 9/1/2020 and 8/31/2021
15. Cow, 4 year old born on or between 9/1/2019 and 8/31/2020
16. Aged cow born before 9/1/2019
17. Dry cow, any age
18. Best udder cow, any age
19. Senior Champion
22. Dairy Herd: Three females over 2 that have freshened
23. Senior Get of Sire: group to consist of 3 animals, the get of one sire, at least one to be 2 years of age or older.
24. Produce a dam: group to consist of 2 animals, any age, the produce of one cow
25. Daughter/Dam, pair to consist of 2 females any age, one being the dam, the other the daughter

Premiums 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Lots 2-8, $15 13 11 9 7 5
Lot 9,10 Ribbon
Lots 11 $7 6 5 4 4
Lots 12-18 $20 18 16 14 12 10
Lots 19, 20 ,21 Ribbon
Lot 22-25 $7 6 5 4

Superintendent: Tiffany Timm – LeRoy-Ostrander FFA – 507-438-5879
All entries due to fair office by July 29th! NO LATE ENTRIES
Livestock Arrival Time: Wednesday 8:00 p.m.– Thursday at Noon. Unless animal is exhibited in 4-H
Weigh in: All steers Thursday 1:00 pm unless already weighed by 4-H
Judging: Thursday 3:00 pm in conjunction with open beef show.
General Rules:
1. Health regulations see Exhibition of Livestock
2. Animals exhibited in the 4-H show are eligible.
3. Market must weigh a minimum of 900 lbs.
4. Classes will have no more than 20 head
5. Lots will be shown in order of class list
6. Breed champions will be chosen if there are 2 or more exhibitors in each class.


Class 24 – Angus
Class 25 – Red Angus
Class 26 - Charolais
Class 27 – Charolais Composite
Class 28 – Gelbvieh
Class 29 - Herford
Class 30 - Limousin
Class 31 – Maine - Anjou
Class 32 – Maintainer
Class 33 – Shorthorn
Class 34 – Shorthorn Plus
Class 35 – Simmental
Class 36 - Foundation Simmental
Class 37 – All other breeds and crossbreds
Class 38 – Market beef
Class 39 – Dairy Steer
Class 40 - Prospect Calf
Class 41 - Supreme Champions (lot 8 and 13)

Lot Females
1. Junior female calf born after 1/1/2024
2. Senior female calf born on or between 9/1 and 12/31/23
3. Early summer yearling female born on or between 5/1 and 8/31/23
4. Junior yearling female born on or between 1/1 and 4/30/23
5. Senior yearling female born on or between 9/1 and 12/31/22
6. Cow with Calf born after 1/1/24
7. Breed Champion and Reserve Champion female
8. Supreme Champion Female (Top 5)

Lot Market Beef
9. Market steers
10. Market heifers
11. Dairy steers
12. Breed champion & reserve (Ribbon only)
13. Supreme Market Beef (Top 3)

Lot Prospect Market Beef
14. Prospect Market Steer born on or after 1/1/24
15. Prospect Market Heifer born on or after 1/1/24
16. Prospect Dairy Steer born on or after 1/1/24

Premiums 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Lots 1-2, 14-16 $15 13 11 9 7 5
Lots 3-6, 9-11 $20 18 16 14 12 10
Lots 7-8, 12-13 Ribbon

Superintendent: Kristal Brogan – Kingsland FFA and Austin FFA
Telephone: Kingsland FFA – Kristal Brogan or Nick Schiltz – Austin FFA
Judging: Tuesday 1:00 – 3:00 pm Project must be in place by 10 AM Tuesday but can be placed prior to 7PM Monday in the Horticulture building.
General Rules:
• Entries will be accepted from individuals who were enrolled in high school Ag. Educations Classes during the previous year. Entries must have been completed since the 2023 Mower County Fair.
• Ribbons will be awarded to all participants. Trophies will be awarded based on participation.

Class 42 Wood Construction Projects

1. Small wood projects (saw horses, tool carriers)
2. Large wood projects (feed bunk, tables)
3. Directed activities wood (birdhouse, plant stand, etc.)
4. Small personal wood (clock, shelf)
5. Intermediate personal wood project (end table, coffee table)
6. Advanced personal wood project

Class 43 Metal Construction Projects

7. Small Metal project (hitch pin, chipping hammer)
8. Intermediate metal project (portable work light, welding table, carts)
9. Large metal projects (trailers, cherry pickers)
10. Directed activities metal (metal rose, beverage holder, etc.)
11. Combination metal and wood (trailers)

Class 44 Technology

12. Small metal project (CNC)
13. Advanced metal project (CNC)
14. Combination wood/metal (CNC)
Class 45 Restoration
15. Tractor/farm equipment (include year, bill of materials, hours worked etc.)

Class 45 Restoration
15. Tractor/farm equipment (include year, bill of materials, hours worked etc.)

Class 46 Crops

16. Alfalfa Hay sample, 5-gallon pail or one slab of hay sample
17. Corn sample, 2-quart Ziploc bag
18. Soybean sample, 2-quart Ziploc bag
19. Small grain (oats, rye, wheat), 2-quart Ziploc bag
20. Ear Corn sample – 10 ears
21. Haylage, 2-quart Ziploc bag
22. Corn silage, 2-quart Ziploc bag
23. Grass hay, - 5-gallon pail or one slab of hay sample

Class 47 Horticulture
24. Landscape Designs and plans
25. Silk Flower Arrangements
26. Silk Corsage
27. Silk Boutonniere
28. Fresh flowers Arrangement
29. Wreath Design
30. Herb Garden
31. Bedding Plants in a Container

Class 48 Agriscience

32. Ag Careers
33. Animal Science Poster /Project
34. Wildlife or Natural Resources Poster/Project
35. Plant Science Poster/Project
36. Food Science Poster/Project
37. Plant Science Collection
38. Chapter Scrapbook

Class 49 Lot 1

Sponsored by CHS & Mower County Soybean and Corn Growers Association.
Superintendent: Tiffany Timm or Kevin Brown
Entry Deadline: July 29th, 2024
Entries must be in place by Tuesday at 12:00 noon with proper health papers filed.
Release time: Sunday, 4:00 pm
Hours of operation: 10:00 am–10:00 pm, except Sunday open until 4: 00 p.m.
(All chapters are expected to aid in set up and tear down with each chapter supervising one day)
General Rules:
1. Entries are open to all classes of animals and fowl, wild or domesticated.
2. Health requirements are listed in the front of the book
3. Arrangements for care and feeding of animals must be made at time of entry.
4. Animals will be required to be in a presentable condition at all times.
5. No “give away’” animals accepted.
6. No dogs or cats without prior approval

Amount paid will depend on the type of exhibit.

Grand Champion Sponsors

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